Whether it is in pots, containers or in vegie gardens, no matter the situation there is nothing better than growing and eating your own vegetables from your own garden.
As the temperature rises, water loss from the soil surface and from the foliage of many plants increases.
Did you know, there is more life in a handful of soil, than there are humans on the planet?
Australian soils are often sandy or water repellent not allowing water to absorb evenly, either soaking through too quickly or evaporating on the surface.
Cera Trap® is an effective and environmentally appropriate solution to the problem of Mediterranean Fruit Fly and Queensland Fruit Fly.
Now is the time to spray your lawn for Bindii and other broad leaf weeds.
With COVID-19 restrictions, the Minister’s Policy Director has confirmed that retail, wholesale and production should conduct “business as usual."
Did you know? The grapevine is one of the oldest known fruit plants to be cultivated by man.
Orchids in bloom are elegant, eye catching plants for indoor and outdoor decoration.